Resilient Distributed Dataset - Part II
Understanding actions
Let’s start this lesson looking at this code first.//Creating the RDD
scala> val logFile = sc.textFile("/home/df/Temp/alerts_news.csv")
scala> val errors = logFile.filter(_.startsWith("ERROR"))
scala> val messages ="\t")).map(r => r(1))
scala> messages.cache()
scala> messages.filter((_.contains("mysql")).count()
scala> messages.filter((_.contains("php")).count()
The goal here is to analyze some log files. The first line you load the log from the hadoop file system. The next two lines you filter out the messages within the log errors. Before you invoke some action on it, you tell it to cache the filtered dataset - it doesn’t actually cache it yet as nothing has been done up until this point. Then you do more filters to get specific error messages relating to mysql and php followed by the count
action to find out how many errors were related to each of those filters.Now let’s walk through each of the steps. The first thing that happens when you load in the text file is the data is partitioned into different blocks across the cluster. Then the driver sends the code to be executed on each block. In the example, it would be the various transformations and actions that will be sent out to the workers. Actually, it is the executor on each workers that is going to be performing the work on each block.
Then the executors read the HDFS blocks to prepare the data for the operations in parallel. After a series of transformations, you want to cache the results up until that point into memory. A cache is created. After the first action completes, the results are sent back to the driver. In this case, we’re looking for messages that relate to mysql. This is then returned back to the driver. To process the second action, Spark will use the data on the cache – it doesn’t need to go to the HDFS data again. It just reads it from the cache and processes the data from there.
Finally the results go back to the driver and we have completed a full cycle.
Here is a screencast with a bit demonstration of this explanation above.
Next post, we’ll deep in RDD Transformations, RDD Actions, and RDD Persistence.
Good luck!
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